controlling the LED light by using lighting with a wireless DMX controller for controlling LED lights using a wireless DMX. The function of the wireless transmitter is very similar to a wired transmitter, but there are a few additional tricks with the wireless transmitter.
Each light channel features an R G. and B. and A. white) intensity control switch that regulates the light source. Once you have pressed the red button for two seconds on the transmitter, an LED light will blink at both the transmitter and receiver units. They will pair in just 5 minutes.
The light will be set according to the channel they were last set to so when the user plans switching them to a different channel, they need ensure they know which bank of control sliders determines which channel will be cued with the correct lights.
The latest wireless DMX devices allow users to rely on their system performing perfect every single time. It can operate over long distances – the only constraint is that the system could be susceptible to interference from wireless. Contact us for a demonstration or estimate for a wireless DMX controller.