If you are interested in learning more about roof installation from experienced roofers, take a look at this video tutorial. It is divided down into step-by-step. Roofers who are proud in their workmanship can answer any question you may have. It is worth practicing before you start work on your home or shed, and you could build a miniature version of your building to help you practice. It is the primary element you must take care of. It runs along the edge of the roof, then joins at every corner. The corners can be created by a variety of ways however you should make sure that they look best while supporting under the roofing shingles. Next, you need to apply the felt. Start at the edge before moving up. Then, the starter strip can be installed and eighth of an inch over the drip edge, and then the roof shingles may be installed after this, and at the exact distance as the starter strip. Assembling the shingles could be challenging which is why consulting roof installers may be ideal. so1zgwbors.