The homeowner will then have an expert roofing company create an estimate to fill into a claim damage to the roof that needs to be fixed or to be replaced.
A few roofing companies cooperate with lawyers in order to obtain home insurance. They are using fraudulent storm damage claims and getting thousands of dollars.
Florida law demands that property insurers will replace the entire roof of a roofer who claims more than 25 percent of the damage in the structure. This is called the replacement cost valuation.
According to a 2019 study the majority of claim funds went towards the cost of roofer lawyers. Insurance companies are losing millions each year because of this.
Insurance companies have left Florida as a way to avoid liquidation, as this video demonstrates. A lot of them aren’t renewing the policies of their properties on the age or expectancy of their roofing.
Governor has tried to stop the abuse. The governor has signed legislation stopping contractors from soliciting to fix roofs using insurance. hkpyx4p9wl.